The ESL Commando

Top Secret Tips for English Success

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The ESL Commando

Top Secret Tips for English Success

Best iPad Apps for ESL Teachers #5 – ShowMe

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ShowMe is one of my favorite iPad apps because it allows the user to narrate a picture, text, etc., and draw on the whiteboard at the same time. This has endless uses for language teachers, but here are a few that I came up with.

1)  Create an online lesson for an in-class topic. Record the main ideas of your lesson and give students a link or post your creation to an online social media site.2)  Have students create a narrated visual presentation on a topic using your/their iPad and show it in class as opposed to a “stand in front of the class” type presentation.

3)  Create a Vocab Map using Skitch (see below) and ShowMe together.  Pick a picture that is related to a topic you are teaching and annotate it with Skitch  showing the vocabulary for the picture. Then, upload the photo and use it on ShowMe to narrate and pronounce the vocab. Click HERE for an example.

4) Download the presentation and upload it to YouTube so students have instant access to your ShowMes!

These are just a few uses for ShowMe.  I use it all the time, and I’m sure that you will too once you get used to it.

Other Apps for ESL/Language teachers.

  1. Evernote
  2. Skitch
  3. Flashcardlet
  4. CloudOn
  5. ShowMe
  6. DropMind Lite
  7. MailVu
  8. AppsGoneFree
  9. VoiceThread
Do you have any apps to add? Please comment and let me know about any that you use regularly and how you use them!

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