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Top Secret Tips for English Success

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The ESL Commando

Top Secret Tips for English Success

English Video Discussion – Risk


There is a saying in English that says, “No risk, no reward.” It basically means that if you don’t take a chance, you will miss good things that could have happened to you if had taken that chance.

Seconds YouTube

This video is about how our lives have a certain amount of seconds, and unless we take advantage of those special opportunities, we may miss a lot of good things.


Have you ever regretted not taking a risk?
What kind of risks are you willing to take in your life to get a reward?
Do you have to take risks to improve your English? What kind of risks?


  1. What kind of risk did the young man take?
  2. What reward did he get?
  3. What did the video show about the alternative life he would have lived?
  4. What do you think was the main message of the movie?

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