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The ESL Commando

Top Secret Tips for English Success

Best iPad Apps for ESL Teachers #12- Prezi Viewer



All of us know the feeling when presentation days come for our students. They can go one of two ways – great or ghastly.  If the prseentations are good, we can’t wait to hear more, but if they are bad, we can’t wait until they’re done. Here is an app that can help with this problem.
Prezi is an awesome presentation tool that can liven up any dead presentations. Instead of using a slide by slide format like powerpoint, Prezi has a 3D interface that pans in and out of a field.  This means you can do really cool effects like zooming, sliding across, panning out, and more. You can upload pictures, Youtube videos, powerpoints, etc.
The results are impressive and can be seen at Prezi’s website.   The app here is for the Prezi viewer, which allows you to use your iPad to view any prezi you have created online. It doesn’t allow you to create a Prezi, but it is a great tool to use when you want a lively presentation from your iPad.
If you or your students have an .edu or k12 extension email, you can get a lot of extra storage space for your and your students’ prezis. They call this the educational license.  I recommend setting up an account for student  presentations. They can upload them from home and then present them on your iPad if you are the only one who has one.
 If you are interested in more iPad apps for ESL teachers. Please see my post below.

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